Become a member!

Hi there! We welcome all high school students who are interested in tutoring or joining us in planning cultural exchange workshops. If you are interested in teaching online group lessons surrounding core school subjects and/or extracurriculars, join us! If you are someone who enjoys literary or artistic activities and would like to brainstorm activities for our events, join us! If you are simply someone who wants to spend their time doing something meaningful as a student activist, join us! We provide certified service hours in any way your school/organization requires. Get started by filling out this form or filling out the below.
+1(858) 405-7995

San Diego, CA 92037

Become a tutee!

Hi! If you are an elementary or middle schooler from any part of the world who would like to further your academic studies or explore an extracurricular interest, Global Milestone is a perfect place for you. We provide free group lessons and other resources made by top high school students across the United States and China. As passionate learners, we believe accessible education is significant to any student at any grade level. Join us and pursue your interests now by filling out this form or this survey on the side.
+1(858) 405-7995

San Diego, CA 92037